Hi everyone, I'm Ho Shing Fai and my nickname is
Human Communication is quite important for us,
it shows us how do we normally communicate with people and teach us what is the best way to communicate with others. Sometimes there are some activities in the class, I was very enjoyed and I'm quite love this subject.
What do we learned in chapter 2 is perception.
Perception is same meaning with feelings or also can be known as sensibility, it can be explain as what do we feel about after we saw something. Everybody have the different feelings on what we had seen, even on the same thing but must have some different. There's a video about wrong perception mentioned in this chapter, it's quite funny, the link is
Hope you enjoy :)
There was also an activity when the lecturer was giving lecture about this chapter,
he showed us some picture and ask for our perception about what we had seen in the picture, it's quite interest.
In those picture, we had seen different things only in a picture, just like there's a picture can be seen as a rabbit or also can be seen as a duck.
Or the another example,
When you seen this picture, what is the first thing you see ? :D
is a young lady ? or a old lady ?
The thing you see might be different with other people,
somebody will say i saw a young lady but i can't saw the old lady.
as for me,
I was saw them is the same time. Haha
In the summary,
your perception decides what you see first dependent
on what you focus on through.
Different people will have different perception,
what you see in the picture,
neither answer is wrong, it is simply a difference of perspective.
Which brings us to perspective, or point of view,
also call personal perspective and cognitive perspective.
Last but not least,
i also found a picture that draw by my friend,
it also like the perception picture.
Now is your turn to tell me what you seen it this picture ?
Haha. xD
We are all so enjoy in this chapter.
Hope you all enjoy too. ;)
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