HI~ I'm Kah Yan..;D
Is me again..haha
Since we have already discuss Chapter 1 to 3, so now we move to Chapter 4 to continue it..
Since we have already discuss Chapter 1 to 3, so now we move to Chapter 4 to continue it..
Chapter 4 is about THE SELF..
What is the 'SELF' means..? (◕ܫ◕)
Self means the discussion and context of the individual.
How much you know about yourself..?
Do You Really Know about Yourself..?
Are others people understand you..?
How they think of you..?
There are 4 main component..⇩⇩⇩
➮ ① Self- Concept
➮② Self- Awareness
➮ ③ Self-Esteem
➮ ④ Self- Disclosure
♡ Self-Concept
Self-concept is the image of who you are, it is how you perceive yourself.
Self-concept develops from the ❶ images that others have you, ❷ comparison between yourself and others/ social comparison❸ your cultural experience, and ❹ your evaluation to yourself.
Here are the example of each affect the self-concept..
❶ Image that other have you
- We often compare ourselves with who close with us, such as friends or cousin..
For example, we will compare the result with friend, who is score more higher..
❷ social comparison
- we will compare our image to what the society think..
For example, nowadays the society think that wearing contact lens is so beauty, then we might tend to follow it..
❸Culture comparison
- the culture will instills in you variety of beliefs, values and attitudes..
For example, you will do somethings that which in your culture stated that is success things..
❹evaluation to yourself
- the self-interpretation and self-evaluation are the standards that applies to yourself, the ethical and moral reasoning, beliefs and comprehension, and conformity of the things around you..
For example, somebody will think that studying is suffer, but somebody will think that studying is so fun..
♡ Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is the ability to discover yourself,
the knowledge of who you are, your traits,
your strength and limitations, emotions and behaviors, your individuality..
There have Four Selves..
We call that Johari Window..
Joseph Luft
and Harry Ingham.
ⓐOpen self
- know to self and others..
This size of open self varies according to your personality and the people whom you're relating..
ⓑBlind self
- Know to self but unknown to others..
Blind self might include your habit of finishing other people's sentences or your way of rubbing your nose when you become anxious..
ⓒUnknown self
- Unknown to you but known to others..
This is information that us buried in your subconscious..
ⓓHidden self
- Unknown to you and others..
Hidden self windowpane includes all your successfully kept secrets..
Growing in self awareness ☁☁
1. listen to others
2. increase your open self
3. seek information about yourself
4. dialogue with yourself
♡ Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a measure of how valuable you think you are..
is also means confidence or the level trust or assurance to yourself..
How to increase your self-esteem..☺☺
1.Attack self-destructive belief
2.Seek out Nourishing people
3.Work on project that will result in
4.Remind yourself of your success
5.Secure affirmation
♡ Self-Disclosure
Self- Disclosure is a type of communication in which you reveal information about yourself that you normally keep hidden..
Ò Factors
influencing self disclosure
1.who you are
2.Your culture
3.Your gender
4.Your listeners – small groups or large
5.Your topic and channel.
At the end,
The lecturer was ask us what are the different Characteristic of high esteem person
and low esteem person..
That all for today~
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